Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Your First Week

Baby Girl,

On Sunday we finally got to go home....You left the hospital at 18.5 inches and 5 lbs. 10 oz.

Here we are - leaving the hospital together, and in the car, finally going home!

 Here you and Daddy are getting out of the car.  And finally, in the house meeting Zoey and Bentley!

It is so nice to finally have you home and start our lives with you - now a family of 3.  Needless to say, it took a while for all the visitors to leave us alone and let us be a family of 3.  Your daddy stayed home from work for two days before going back.  I think there were a few tears shed the morning he had to go back (even though he would tell you he was fine).  When Daddy went back to work your MiMi came to stay with us. Funny side note - the day your daddy went back to work he found out that there had been a lot of students with the flu.  Because of the large amount of absences they were considering closing the school for the rest of the week.  When your daddy came home, MiMi asked him if he wanted to hold you.  He immediately replied no, because he wanted to take a shower before touching you.  This resulted in your daddy stripping down to his underwear in the front door that was wide open for everyone driving by to see!! We really appreciated all the help everyone was willing to offer.  They helped clean the house, put up the Christmas decorations, did laundry, and of course, held you!!  I don't think we ever put you down the first week, except when we had to sleep.

Your first week home was interesting.  Daddy and Mommy had to take you to the doctor the Monday after we got home because when we left the hospital your jaundice levels were 11.9.  The hospital told us to make sure we made a doctors appointment to get it checked again.  Here you are at your first doctors appointment....

Unfortunately, your jaundice levels had gone back up.  Since the levels were rising the doctors office called us and told us home health would be out to put you in a special bed with a light to help get rid of your jaundice.  They told us we wouldn't be able to hold you except during feedings.  Mommy cried for a long time after this phone call.  Luckily, when home health came out they had a light that went under your clothes and we were able to hold you any time we wanted.  The light was difficult to maneuver around and made you look very uncomfortable.  You stayed on this light for 4 days.  Tuesday your levels got up to 17.9 but were coming down after that!  All week long we called you our little glow worm.  Here are some pictures of you as a "glow worm."

 The first pictures you can see the long tube that came out of your outfit.  We couldn't button your outfits at the bottom because of this tube.  The second pictures shoes you laying on your tummy where you can really see the light from underneath your clothing.

Even laying on your back, you could see you glowing!

 We were so glad to see you come off this light!  It made holding you and changing you a lot easier.

Our first week home was a success!! You are a great baby - your daddy and I got very lucky!  You only cry when you are hungry.  You are a great sleeper at this point.  Daddy and I couldn't love you more!!

Here are a few more "first week pictures..."

 You are such a cuddle bug!  You love to lay on our chests and sleep!  You and Mommy cuddle every day!  Sometimes we cuddle in the bed in the mornings before we ever get up and sometimes we lay on the couch in the afternoons and cuddle together!

This is our first day home.  In fact, we hadn't been home thirty minutes.  I was very tired and just wanted to hold you!  You were so small you are wearing preemie clothes at this point!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor and Delivery

Baby Girl,

Everyone prepared me for this to be the worst experience ever!!  I had continually prayed that labor would be easy and we would both be ok afterwards.  Knowing that God was on my side (he had answered my prayer with you already) I went into that night expecting nothing less then everything to be ok!

So...once we finished running around like mad men we were on our way to the hospital.  We had a great plan since we thought Mommy was getting induced the following day, but our plans were now changed.  On our way to the hospital we called everyone we were suppose to call (plus a few more).  Everyone was shocked and so excited.  The whole way to the hospital my water continued to leak and the drive there, at times, seemed much longer than it was.  Luckily, I wasn't in much pain at this point so we didn't have to "rush."  Once we got to the hospital, your daddy dropped me off at the door and I went upstairs to labor and delivery.  The waiting room was FULL!! It was the night for babies (plus, it was a full moon out).  The lady at the receptionist desk told me to have a seat and she would be with me in just a minute.  (Side Note: As the lady told me to sit down, 5 men who were sitting in the waiting room did not offer to move or give me their seat, they just stared at me.  So your daddy and I had to walk all the way to the back into a separate little room.  OK that is my venting session).  I decided I was becoming very uncomfortable and sitting was not an option.  I went back to the receptionist and told her the pressure is getting very bad.  She asked us if you were coming, because apparently this has happened, and of course I had no idea!  She quickly got us a nurse and we were back in a room.

When the nurse checked me I was only 2 cm and still had a very posterior cervix.  I was very disappointed and thought I was in for a very long night.  I had told your daddy that I wanted to wait as long as possible before getting an epidural because I didn't want it to slow down my labor.  At 2 cm I had waited as long as I could! Your daddy tried to remind me of what I had said, but I quickly told him I had waited!!  The epidural was easy and it quickly took the pain of contractions away.  I thought the contractions would get increasingly worse, but they hit and they hit hard!!

After getting the epidural, the nurse checked me again and I was 5 cm and my cervix had moved forward.  By this time your MiMi, Ry, Nanny, Papaw, Aunt Jenelle, and Aunt Reagan were all at the hospital and waiting to meet you.  About an hour later I was 8 cm dilated and the nurse told me she would be back in about 45 minutes to check me again.  If I was feeling the pressure worse to make sure I let her know.  As I was getting ready to tell your daddy the pressure was much worse, the nurse came in, checked me, and told me I was 10 cm and ready to push.

Once the doctor came in it was time to push.  Once I started pushing you became distressed and Mommy had to have oxygen.  The nurses and doctor were great and had me lay on my side to help you when I was having contractions and they inserted an internal monitor to keep a close check on you.  You tolerated this much better.  I pushed about 45 minutes and at 2:17 am a beautiful 5 lbs. 13 oz. 18.5 inches long baby was here!  I quickly looked to make sure you were a girl!!  Funny - Your daddy and MiMi were sweating worse than your mommy, and I did all the work.  Luckily, I had another answered prayer.  Labor and Delivery was very easy and you are absolutely beautiful.  Here are a few pictures of that night....

 Here is Mommy hooked up to the contraction monitor and the heart monitor to keep a check on you.
 Mommy and Daddy before you arrived.
 The first time I got to hold you!!  
 Here you are after Mommy held you.  The nurses cleaned you up and weighed and measured you.
 Our first family of 3 picture!
After you were born, they cleaned Mommy up and took us to another room where we would stay for the next couple of days.  They got us settled in a room and placed you in the nursery.  Once we were settled your daddy got to go back tot he nursery and give you your first bath.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 39

Baby Girl,

This is THE week!!!  By Friday you will be here.  Your daddy and I are so excited.  We have spent the week getting ready for you (even though we have been ready for quite some time now).  We feel, everyday, there are little things we are forgetting.  I really think it is your mommy more than your daddy and I am driving him crazy with all the things I keep telling him I think we will need at the hospital.

Monday I went to the doctor for the last time.  She told us we would get induced and to be at the hospital at 5 a.m. on Friday, November 30.  She checked me again and told me I was still only 2 cm dilated and you were very posterior.  She also stripped my membranes in hopes that this would make you come on your own.  When we were leaving she told us she would see us on Friday if you didn't decided to come earlier (she really thinks you will be here before Friday).

The remainder of the week I spent cleaning the house and doing small things to make sure when you got here everything would be ready.

Thursday night your daddy and I decided we would go get something to eat and finish getting everything put in the car.  We went to Subway to have one last meal (for me) before you came.  We called all our family to get them excited about tomorrow and let them know (for the ones that couldn't come) we would keep them updated throughout the day about how you progressed.  We decided that we didn't really want any family to come until around lunch on Friday in hopes that after we got there, got checked in, and had all the "tests" done, we would be able to get some rest while they loaded me up on pitocin to get my labor good and started.

After dinner, your daddy and I came home and had to make the bed and get some things put up since we would be at the hospital for the next couple of days.  As we were making the bed (and your daddy was in the closet putting some things up) I yelled "uh-oh."  Your daddy poked his head out of the closet and said, "What?"  I told him I thought my water had broken.  As we stood there staring at each other I decided that I would finish making the bed and see if that is what had really happened.  Unfortunately, I didn't finish making the bed because my water did indeed break!!  I just stood in the bedroom looking around while your daddy was running around like a mad man!  I wish we had a video of this time, because it would provide you with a lot of laughter later on!  Needless to say, all that planning was now out the window and we were quickly on our way to the hospital.

Here is one last picture of Mommy pregnant.  It is a little blurry (we were trying to figure out the new camera, but it's the last picture we took).  You can see the bed isn't made and that is what I was getting ready to do!

Stay post....labor and delivery!


Weeks 37 and 38

Baby Girl,

These two weeks have been spent preparing for you!  The doctor told me at my 37 week appointment she would definitely induce me at 39 weeks if you hadn't made your debut by then.  I am very excited about this because I really want her to be the one to deliver you. I won't go back to the doctor again until the end of 38 weeks because of Thanksgiving.

Week 38 is Thanksgiving week.  The week started out with a baby shower given by your daddy's school.  They decided not to tell your daddy, but let me know so I could be there.  It was very sweet.  The nurse made strawberry cupcakes for the whole 6th grade!  We got every class out there, then called your daddy's class out there.  He was very surprised to see me and everything that the school had done for us.  They have been prayer warriors throughout this journey and we are so thankful for every one of them.  One of his student's mom made you a cute sack and cap!

Because we didn't know what you would decide to do, we decided not to spend Thanksgiving with your Daddy's family.  We would just be too far away from the hospital, and didn't think this would be a good idea since you were so close to being here.  We did get to spend Thanksgiving with my family and had a very non-traditional Thanksgiving lunch.  It was delicious though!  The doctor made sure to tell me not to eat too much because my digestion just wouldn't allow it this year.

Things have really started to change this week.  I am very uncomfortable!!  I cannot sleep at all.  If my sides aren't hurting, my back must be way back there.  If my back doesn't hurt, my stomach is rumbling!  I get up most nights to get a snack around 2 or 3 a.m.  I like to eat fruit cups, crackers, waffles, or cinnamon applesauce.  This will typically do the trick and I can go back to sleep within an hour or so.  I have become increasingly tired but try very hard not to sleep during the day.  Sometimes I fall asleep though right before your daddy comes home.  My rings will no longer fit, and most of the time I stay in my pjs unless I have to get out and go somewhere.

Here is a look back at pregnancy.....(these are the only ones Daddy downloaded.  I will have to add the others later)

 Well, it won't be long now (hopefully).  At least we know you will for sure be here by 11/30.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 36

Baby Girl,

Your daddy and I can't believe you've made it to (what is considered) full term!! This is what we have prayed for since week 26 when Mommy went in to preterm labor with you.  Not much really to tell you about this week.  I have gotten out and tried to walk more in hopes that you would want to come into the world - but no such luck!

At the doctors appointment this week she was so excited you were still in Mommy's belly!  I asked her about getting induced and she said she would consider it, but that I can not get induced until I am at least 39 weeks.  I am becoming more uncomfortable carrying you and am not sleeping well.  You are still pretty active for the most part.  If you are not moving I like to eat something sweet and drink a coke and that will typically get you going again.  I will miss your movement the most after I have you. 

This week your daddy and I had maternity pictures made.  It was so much fun and will be such a great memory of the times you spent in Mommy's tummy.  I can't wait to show you these pictures someday!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekly Update - Week 34/35

Baby Girl,

Well, believe it or not you are still not here! While your daddy and I are very excited to meet you we are equally excited you have not come yet.  This means you are still growing where you need to grow so that when you do come you will be healthy and strong.

I went to the doctor last Friday and she seems to think you will grace us with your prescense sooner rather than later.  I got to come off my medication that keeps me from having contractions.  Unfortunately, for about 2 weeks now I have been having contractions, so I guess the medicine wasn't working.  We went to the hospital two Mondays ago and even though I was 70% thinned out and you were between a 0 and a +1, I wasn't dilating.  This meant we didn't have to stay in the hospital and got to come home that night!  Now that I am off my medication I am also off bed rest and am allowed to lead a normal life.  I am able to get out of the house and finish up a few things for you sweet girl.

Your nursery is coming together, finally!  Your crib is up, your bedding is in place, and we are slowly, but surely, getting things hung on the walls to make it look like the perfect room for you.  Your bouncer, swing, pack n' play, and high chair are in place.  I have had your carseat installed in my car and your daddy's car.  The only thing missing is you!  We can't wait to meet you and feel like it will be any day now (even though your daddy and I joke that you will stay in there until your due date).

I have become very uncomfortable when I sleep at night.  It takes me forever to go to sleep and I wake up several times in the middle of the night.  I can tell you're gaining weight because when I flip from side-to-side it takes a little while for you to "follow" me and get yourself comfortable.  My fingers and feet are starting to swell and I am going to the bathroom it seems every 15 minutes.

Well, just a short update on what is going on in our lives. 


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Telling Our Families

Baby Girl,

I thought of a couple stories I hadn't told you yet.  You know what a miracle you are by this point, and you know how your daddy and I found out about you.  However, I didn't tell you how we told our families about our little miracle.  Let me start with my family....

The day we found out about you (March 26, 2012) it was late in the afternoon and truly was not news I was expecting (given our previous rounds).  After your daddy and I found out about you I made him jump in the shower so we could go over to my mom's house and tell her.  We had always wanted to find out about you around a holiday so we could buy a present and watch them open it.  Easter was getting closer, but it was too far away and we could barely contain our excitement.  We decided to stop by Target and pick up a bottle and a pack of pacifiers.  We put these in a bag and headed to my mom's house.  I called on the way and tried to sound normal on the phone.  We told them we were going to eat but had a few errands to run and that they didn't take as long as we had thought so we were going to stop by their house for a few minutes.  When we walked in my mom asked if we had heard anything from the doctor's office and I told her I just didn't want to talk about it. 
**Side note:  I had just come back from Nashville, chaperoning a school trip to see the play Mary Poppins.  Mary Poppins was one of my favorite movies when I was little and I made my mom watch it almost daily.**
I told my mom I had bought her a present from the show to bring back "old memories."  She really wasn't sure what in the world I could have brought her back from the show and wasn't extremely excited about it.  She was too upset that I didn't have anything to tell her.  First, she pulled out the bottle and was unsure what it was (it was in a box in her defense).  When she didn't understand what it was we told her there was something else in the bag.  Next was the pacifiers and she definitely got it then.  Mom and Henry were so excited and cried and hugged us.  You are their first grandchild and they are beside themselves on what to do with you already (and you aren't even here yet!)

Next came the rest of my family.  Again, we thought we could wait until Mother's Day (which would have made you 12 weeks old at that point) but we just couldn't.  We decided to see if the family wanted to meet us for dinner since we hadn't seen them since Christmas.  Mom, Henry, Jenelle, Reagan, Gigi, your daddy, and I all met at Logan's in Athens on a Sunday night.  After getting a table and talking for a little while I found an in to tell them about you.  As we were talking, I asked them what we had decided to do about Christmas this year (last year took forever to make plans).  Everyone said they hadn't talked much about it or really thought about it but they wanted to make plans early this year.  I told them we needed to really make plans because my due date was December 5, 2012 and that may change some things for the holidays this year.  Since my mom, Henry, your daddy and I knew what I meant we just sat and waited.  This is a photo I wish I had.  It took them several seconds to realize what I had said.  When they finally got it there were hugs and tears again.  Everyone is VERY excited about you.  You are the first baby on my side of the family.  We had to call your Uncle Andy, Dinah, and Uncle Dusty because they were just too far away to join us and we couldn't wait until we saw them again to tell them about you.

Finally, Easter came around and we decided this was the best time to tell your daddy's side of the family.  We had already told your Aunt Jamie and Uncle Craig, but we hadn't told Nanny and PaPaw Tim.  We went to church with Nanny and PaPaw Tim and then headed to Uncle Craig and Aunt Jamie's for an Easter lunch and to spend time with your cousin's Grant and Gracie.  When we got there, Aunt Jamie's family was there and we were waiting on Nanny and PaPaw to join us.  We made t-shirts for Grant and Gracie that said "Big Cousin" and changed them into them while we were waiting.  Finally, they got there and we explained to Grant what was going on, but Gracie was a little young to understand.  We asked them to go out in the living room and see how long it would take Nanny and PaPaw Tim to notice there shirts.  While Grant and Gracie did a great job with this, the rest of us just stood there waiting and couldn't wait very long.  We finally told Grant to show Nanny his took a few minutes, but she finally got it!!  PaPaw Tim was outside so when we came back in we told Gracie to show PaPaw her shirt...he never did get it.  We had to explain it to him.  They were very excited and are looking forward to meeting you.

This isn't from Easter, but here are your cousin's Grant and Gracie in their shirts at your gender party.

Here is a picture of your "cousin" Mary Hyatt.  She made this sign for you after we told her Mommy and Daddy.  She is about 18 months older than you and we hope ya'll are the best of friends!

Here is a picture of your first Easter Basket.  After we told your Daddy's family we came back home and had dinner with my mom and dad (like we always do on Sundays) and the Easter Bunny had been to see you at their house!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Your First Baby Shower - Family and Gifts

Baby Girl,

In the last letter I shared with you pictures of the decorations and food at your first baby shower.  I didn't get to tell you about all your family and friends that came to celebrate this special day with us.  Of course, all female family members were there, as well as close friends (that will be like family), and friends that have prayed for us and with us as we have made this journey.  The shower was very laid back since Mommy was still on bed rest, but it was more then I could have ever asked for.

Here are your mommy, my mom, and Nanny before the shower.  And another picture of your mommy and my mom.

This is Mommy and your Aunt Reagan.  She helped out so much during the shower and gave up a lot of time to make this day special for you.  The next picture is your "Aunt" Christen.  While she isn't a blood relative you will spend a lot of time with her and her family.  They have a little girl named Mary Hyatt that is very excited to meet you and become friends.   Your mommy and "Aunt" Christen have been friends for a long time and are excited about many years to come! 

Here is a picture of all your aunts on your mommy's side.  Aunt Dinah, Aunt Jenelle, Mommy, my mom, and Aunt Reagan.  They worked hard all weekend to decorate our house for the shower.  The next picture we added "Aunt" Christen.  She came over and helped decorate as well as baking cookies for the shower.

Finally, here is a picture of your Uncle Dusty, Aunt Reagan, and Uncle Bogan.  Uncle Dusty and Uncle Bogan traveled a long way to be a part of this special day for you.  They even stayed for the shower with all us girls.

The first picture shows Mommy opening a gift from a friend at your shower.  Next to me is your cousin Gracie. She helped open all your presents!  The second picture is Mommy and Gracie and Sarah Whitt.  She is a friend from Mommy's school.  She also helped open your presents and is excited about meeting you.  In fact, she thought she was going to get to meet you at the shower!  She says your name is Dewayne.

Here are some more pictures of Mommy and Gracie opening your gifts.  Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of everyone that came to the shower, but I have kept all the cards so that you can see how much you are loved and how excited everyone is to celebrate this with us after our long journey to get you here.

I can't wait until we can have parties which include you.  With all the work that went into this shower I know your birthday parties will be fantastic!!  These pictures are just a window into our lives to show you how many people are thankful you are on your way to our arms.  They have all prayed with us, sent kind words, texts, or made phone calls to help us get to this point.  This was a great way to celebrate where we are today and has helped us look forward to what will happen sometime during the next 8 weeks.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Your First Baby Shower - Food and Decor

Baby Girl,

After getting such great news at the doctor we could truly celebrate your baby shower this weekend.  I can't wait until you are old enough to see and appreciate the pictures from your first party.  Your Aunt Jenelle, Aunt Reagan, Aunt Dinah, "Aunt" Christen, and my mom spent a lot of time preparing for this day.  Your Aunt Jenelle and Aunt Reagan did so much to make this special for you and Mommy.

Once I got put on bed rest it made them re-think what to do for the shower.  We decided to have it a little earlier than we had originally planned just in case you decided to come earlier than we wanted.  We also decided since I was put on bed rest to have the shower at our house, and this weekend our house was overcome with pink, tulle, and shower goodies.  Below are several pictures of the decorations and food that were brought over for the shower....
 Here are the cupcakes from Gigi's and the chocolate-covered pretzels on the desert table.

 These are the pedifores from Peggy Ann's bakery (my favorite) and cookies your Aunt Jenelle found from a lady - they were so cute!  They were in the shapes of onesies, strollers, and booties.

This is your diaper bouquet your Aunt Christen made. It has 84 size 1 diapers that we will be able to unroll and use when you get a little bigger.  Next to the diaper bouquet  were party favors for everyone who came to the shower.  Your Aunt Jenelle bought OPI nail polish called "It's A Girl." 

These are "diaper" waters and pink lemonade on the drink table.

 This was at the front door for everyone to see as they came in.  And another picture of the table with the party favors on it.  Your Aunt Reagan found this cute box to put the nail polish in as decoration.

And finally, one more picture of the precious desert table with 10 different types of deserts.  There were chocolate covered pretzels, pedifores, 2 different types of cookies, another type of chocolate pretzel, rice krispie treats, pink M&M's, pink Hershey kisses, Gigi's cupcakes, and one other type of candy and marshmallows as decorations.

This is just the first post about your baby shower.  You can see what a great job everyone did helping to get ready.  It was absolutely perfect!  Just goes to show how many people love you and you aren't even here yet.  We are so excited to meet you and were so excited to celebrate your arrival this weekend.


Good News!

Baby Girl,

We have made it!!  We are finally at 32 weeks and I couldn't be more excited to share this news with you.  Your daddy and I have talked a lot about getting to this point and how the doctor didn't think we would get here.  Friday was the first time I went to the doctor and we got to talk about anything past 32 weeks.  I still think you are extremely stubborn and will be in there until at least 40 weeks.  But whatever keeps you growing and healthy is/has been worth everything.

On Friday, the doctor told us I could begin getting out a little now.  She told me I should continue to stay in bed and rest, but when your daddy was home or my mom was around we could go on one errand or so a day. This means we can finish some things up to prepare for your arrival and even shop for you a few new outfits!  We have to have an agenda and know exactly what we are going for.  She made sure to tell me not to wander around aimlessly (which I am very good at).  Your daddy, my mom, and Nanny still think I don't need to do much, and honestly, I agree.  I still want you to grow and stay in a while longer (even though I feel like some days I can't wait any longer to meet you sweet girl).

This week at the doctor I was told I have gained a total of 11 pounds with this pregnancy.  With 8 more weeks to go (57 days at this point) I am sure I will put on much more.  My back has started to hurt much more because of the weight from carrying you.  I have also started to get nauseated again and dislike food.  Although, I have really started to crave sweets.  I think this is because you are so sweet!  My rings are starting to get a little tight and my feet are starting to swell slightly.  Sleeping is terrible!!  I guess it is preparing me for your arrival and your sleep habits.  I still feel you move constantly throughout the day (you are a little dancer inside my tummy).  Your daddy and I love to sit on the couch at night and watch my belly "bounce" as you roll around, kick, punch, or whatever it is you do in there.  Your daddy can also hear your heartbeat if I lay very still and the room is quiet.  He is very excited about this and says it is one of the neatest things he has ever witnessed.

We have just about finished the basics of your nursery.  The walls are painted, the closet is striped (with clothes hanging in it), your dressing station and wardrobe are in (and beginning to fill up), and your bedding is here.  We are still waiting on your crib and are looking forward to decorating the walls with artwork before you arrive.  Below are some pictures of what we have done so far....
 This is your Uncle Dusty and Uncle Bogan moving your furniture around to make it look best in the room.  They worked very hard this weekend to help us get ready for you.
 This is your closet after your Uncle Dusty painted it for us.   He was very particular about how this looked and did a fantastic job.  It took him most of the morning to do this for you.  It is going to look great with your pink and gray bedding.
 Here is the finished product.  Your clothes are hanging, a new shelf has been hung, and a dresser has been added to help store all the things you need.
Here is a picture of your nursery so far.  Your bedding is on top of the wardrobe but you can't really see it.  This week your Nanny and Papaw bought you a carseat and a stroller.  Your daddy and I can't wait to get your car seat installed in Mommy's car.  This means it is getting close to time to bring you home.

Well, this is the "Good News" this week.  You are continuing to grow and we are lucky to still have your inside Mommy's tummy.  This week was a big milestone for us and for you.
