Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where To Start

Baby Girl -

The whole point of this blog is to help you understand and remember life before you can remember it.  So let me catch you up to speed. Your daddy and I have been married for 4 1/2 years and can not wait to meet you, but getting here has not been easy!  After we had been married for a year we decided we wanted to have a baby.  After trying for about a year we were still unsuccessful.  This included surgery, shots, and fertility pills.  After all this, the doctor decided to send us to a specialist.  She gave us a list of doctors to choose from and we chose ART (Alabama Reproductive Technologies).  We started seeing them in May of 2011.

This experience was extremely overwhelming and your dad and I walked out the first time, both in tears I think (this happened more than once).  However, we were up for the challenge because we knew we wanted you.  After some testing we found, what we thought was, the problem and began procedures each month to try to get you.  We went through different fertility shots (which I was completely terrified of until this process) throughout the course of the year (we had to take some breaks a long the way)!  Our insurance only covered so much of the cost of drugs, which we quickly met, and didn't know what we were going to do from this point.  We also had IUI's which stands for IntraUterine Inseminations each time we took fertility medicines.

After the 2011 Christmas holiday, and the 5th time of being told our pregnancy test was negative, we looked into the idea of IVF.  This path proved to also be costly and we were back to square one.  Luckily, we were given one more chance with a different fertility shot we had not tried yet and one more IUI between February and March. 

March 26, 2012 was the longest day of my life.  Typically the doctor would call about 3:00 while I was still at school.  However, leaving school about 3:15 that day I still had not heard from the doctor.  When I got home, your daddy was waiting anxiously for news that I didn't have yet.  Trying to calm my nerves and go on with our afternoon we decided to sit down and watch some TV.  Finally, about 4:00 or 4:30 we got the phone call we were waiting on.  The only words I remember saying when they told me we had a positive was "Shutup" (which wasn't nice)!  I didn't know what to say because I was so use to hearing the word "negative" on the other end of the line.  Positive was definitely something new!!  Because of my reaction, your daddy immediately knew what was going on.  I don't remember anything the nurse on the line told me because both of us were crying (infact, I had to call back the next day to get all the details).  March 26, 2012 is a day your daddy and I will NEVER forget!

I credit my doctor and the doctors at ART with a lot.  They were absolutely amazing and I can't thank them enough for the encouragement and help they gave us throughout this process.  I would recommend them to anyone and can't wait to introduce you to them.  But please know that we prayed for you every night!! You are a blessing from GOD and He is the one who gave us you.  Without Him and our faith in Him, we wouldn't have you right now, no matter how much the doctors did for us.  Please know you will always be our biggest blessing and we will continue to thank God every night for you.

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